The perceptivity of beauty in ancient Greece involves; harmony, proportions, symmetry, rhythm and similarity. The key element here is the physical beauty. True beauty is different. True beauty is the combination and harmony of youth, health, biology, physical attractiveness, aesthetics, intelligence, cheerfulness and personality. As the German poet Friedrich Hebbel said; 'Beauty is the depth of the surface.'
In aesthetic surgery, a whole physical beauty is aimed. The structures in the body, especially on the face, have various ratios among each other for an ideal aesthetic appearance. With the aesthetic surgery, it is aimed to provide the highest harmony that can be reached between different parts of the body and even between the body and the soul. For this reason, although concepts such as ratios, symmetry and rhythm are important, the harmony of the individual's organ (which will have the aesthetic surgery) with the whole body is one of the most important elements of beauty.
On the other hand, it is necessary to distinguish between the terms "aesthetic" and "one with the aesthetic". The concept of aesthetic is a part of true beauty and always represents the natural one. The meaning of the word "natural one" is the one that is in accord with all other structures, it's not the one that haven't been operated. The one with the aesthetic is the description used for "poorly done" and "unnatural result". In this case, happiness is not possible, as the beauty can't be caught.
You are requested to be a healthy individual in general terms in order to undergo an operation for rhinoplasty. The most suitable candidates for a rhinoplasty surgery can be evaluated in three categories:
1) Appearance: Most women or men who have made a decision to undergo a rhinoplasty operation desire this procedure in order to achieve a more beautiful look. The followings are among the most common reasons why patients apply for undergoing this surgery:
- Nose looking too large compared to the whole face,
- Appearance of nasal dorsal hump during profile view,
- Nose looking too wide during frontal view,
- A sagging or dropped nose tip,
- A thick or wide nose tip,
- Too wide nostrils,
- Nasal deviation towards right or left, and sometimes towards both sides looking like an "S" shape,
- An unpleasant appearance resulting from a previous operation (secondary surgery) performed in another center,
- An asymmetrical nose resulting from a previous wounding.
Following the operation, patients are extremely pleased with their general appearance, and their self-confidence increases remarkably. In various scientific studies, it has been revealed that this fact contributes positively to the patients' social and professional lives.
2) Wounding: If you have been wounded in an accident which has caused a nasal deformity, rhinoplasty can be applied in order to help you considerably regain the former appearance of your nose.
3) Breathing: In patients with narrow nasal cavities especially caused by severe deviation, breathing problems can be eliminated by rhinoplasty and/or septoplasty.
Rhinoplasty cannot be a fashion. Fifty years ago, various plastic surgeries regarding to fashion trends were done and the outcomes were always disappointing. The main purpose in today's modern rhinoplasty is to obtain a natural and aesthetic nose. Because everyone's facial characteristics, jaw bones, and tissues are different, the noses that should be done for everyone are of course different. That's why rhinoplasty is a very person-specific operation.
There is no doubt that the main objective success criterion of this surgery is to obtain a nose that is both natural, aesthetic and comfortable while breathing. On the other hand, there is also a subjective success criterion. This is the happiness of the patient.
Min. age is 18 years for boys, and 16 years for girls. These ages are accepted as the completion of the bone development. There is no upper limit to have this surgery, it is enough that general health condition is convenient to allow this surgery.
Yes, you can. However, it's useful to ensure some pre-conditions. Firstly, it is recommended that at least 6 months should pass since the childbirth. This is mainly because swellings during the pregnancy can also effect the facial area and it is necessary to wait for a reasonable time for these swellings to subside. Secondly, for feeding the baby during the surgery period, the mother should milk her breast and keep it ready for about one week. The reason for this is to prevent the medicines taken during and after the surgery to impact on the milk and the baby, which is very unnecessary.
There is no doubt that if you want to have a nose that is natural, beautiful and breathing easily, the preference of the doctor is very significant. The success of a doctor consists of 3 essential components. These are; knowledge, experience and attention. You should definitely read your doctor's resume to get an idea about his/her knowledge. His/her academic career, associations of which s/he is a member, congresses that s/he attends, and his/her scientific publications will also help you. It's also crucial that s/he deals with 3 or 5 types of surgeries and doing them quite well rather than dealing with 25 various surgeries and doing them well for the experience. That is, it's significant that the doctor is particularly dealing with the surgeon you ask for. Patient care is a personal issue. The best way to understand this is to get in contact with the patients that were previously operated by the doctor and to learn their surgical processes and outcomes. You can make the best assessment by looking at the results of previous surgeries of the doctor. Your most important criterion here should be to expect to see both natural and aesthetic nose that is in accord with the face, that is individual instead of always seeing the same nose. Economic situation is also a criterion in choosing a doctor. However, remember that to remedy an unsuccessfully operated surgery costs you more expensive. Your budget should be directly proportionate to the value you give yourself.
First, do some researches on the subject. Write down the questions you are curious about one by one. In addition, arrive at least 15 minutes earlier for your appointment. Thus, you can meet and communicate with other patients in the lobby. It's generally unrealistic to make a request by the noses you like. Because everyone has different textures and measurements such as the strength of their cartilage, facial proportions, and skin thickness. Therefore, a nose you like may not be in accord with your face or may not be technically possible. It would be more appropriate in terms of understanding your desire to show the noses you disfavor as sample pictures rather than showing the ones you like.
The rhinoplasty operations may be grouped into three categories as reduction operations, augmentation operations, and the operations performed using both the reduction and augmentation techniques. In patients with only reduction, the extracted tissues are used in nose remodeling. The ear cartilage, rib cartilage, and the abdominal muscular membrane or the membranes removed from the subdermal region of the scalp without impairing the hair and skin may be used in patients requiring enlargement. The augmentation operations are more likely to be needed in the treatment of secondary patients (patients who have been operated formerly in another center).
During the first interview, Dr. Kamburoğlu will consult you and have a conversation with you on issues such as your reasons to undergo this operation, your expectations about the outcome, and your general health condition. During this first consultation, you may ask Dr. Kamburoğlu all questions on your mind; he will answer them all sincerely.
Nose is mainly responsible for breathing healthily. You are planning to undergo an aesthetic nose surgery, but you have breathing problems as well. How are these problems diagnosed and treated?
The first phase of diagnosis is the consultation of the inner nose with the use of an instrument called nasal speculum. This helps view clearly approximately 1/3 to ½ of the field in the nose. Nasal septal (cartilage and/or bone) deviations, hypertrophies of conchae or polypus, narrow nasal passages and rhinoliths can be viewed during this consultation. However, illuminated camera systems named as rhino pharyngoscope (endoscope) are required for further assessment of the posterior parts of the nose. In our clinic, patients with breathing problems are consulted endoscopically. Besides, nasal septal deviations, hypertrophies of conchae or polypus and even narrow nasal passages can be located by our acoustic rhinometry device which functions through using acoustic reflections for its measurements. These two devices decrease the need for a computed tomography which includes an x-ray imaging procedure to view the posterior parts.
So far, we have diagnosed the deformities which lead to breathing problems. How about the effectiveness and quality of your breathing patterns?
In addition to septal deviations, cartilage deficiencies may render your breathing difficult. We make use of two other equipments named as rhinomanometry and PNIF meter for the follow-up after the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions. They tell us about the quantity, quality and patterns of your breathing.
Following all these procedures, we gain the whole clear and scientific data regarding your breathing pattern. This enables us to solve your breathing problems within the light of scientific techniques.
If you have any breathing problems related to nose (such as deviation, valve insufficiency, enlarged adenoid), it is concomitantly treated during the aesthetic nasal surgery. It is the most correct choice for you to undergo these two operations concomitantly since the tissues removed during the operation for breathing may be used during the stage of aesthetic surgery. If you undergo the operation for breathing formerly, you will not have such a chance.
It may be the question you have most wondered about regarding your nose aesthetics. We take your photographs from different angles using standardised guidelines for this purpose. After this, we scan your face by using our Vectra 3D Imaging System.The system provides automatically many parameters including the nose height, nose width, tip rotation, harmony of the nose with other facial structures and several angles and ratios. After these calculations, we create a simulation of your planned surgery through your 3D photographs. Thanks to this, you are able to see the result of your operation in the most realistic version possible.
Dr. Kamburoğlu performs aesthetic nose surgery under general anaesthesia. This is mainly because it is quite difficult to provide the patient with maximum comfort under local anaesthesia. Besides, the blood pressure can be held at favorable levels, and bleeding can be reduced to minimum under general anaesthesia. On the other hand, simpler procedures rather than a complete nose surgery can also be carried out under local anaesthesia.
Aesthetic nose surgery may be performed in four different ways. Recovery and progression processes of all these methods differ from each other.
1) Open Technique: During this operation, the surgeon makes a small transverse incision on columella (a little column separating two nostrils from each other), and finely remodels the inner bone and cartilage by lifting the soft tissue slightly upward, making the bone and cartilage is accessible. After this procedure, a small scar which is most commonly non-recognizable, remains at the bottom of the nose. The advantages of this technique are providing an exact nasal control, and permitting to remodel the nose tip firmly with sutures. Its disadvantages may be stated as follows: a mild scar that may remain at columella, and swelling that remains for a somewhat longer period when compared to the closed technique. The stated disadvantages exist extremely rare, and currently, it is the most commonly used technique around the world during a nose surgery.
2) Closed Technique: In this technique, the incisions are made inside the nostrils, and thus almost no visible scars remain. On the other hand, in traditional closed tehchniques the nose tip can not be remodeled with sutures due to the limited control over the nose tip when compared to open techniques. However this technique, which may be preferred in patients not requiring the remodeling of nose tip, has currently lost its popularity.
3) Delivery Method: In this technique, the nasal cartilages are delivered and remodeled by making two parallel incisions inside the nose. The advantages of this technique are providing control like the open technique, and not requiring to make an incision at columella (a column separating two nostrils from each other) like in the closed technique. The disadvantage of this technique is the obligation to make one of the parallel incisions at one of the nose tip support mechanisms (scroll area). There is a common consensus on the repairment of the scroll area at the end of the operation in this technique so as to avoid the appearence of droopy nasal tip caused by this structure.
4) Modified Delivery Method: In this technique, the nose tip can be viewed like in the open technique, and no scar remains at columella (a column separating two nostrils from each other) like in the closed technique. Moreover, a second incision is not performed inside the nose unlike in the delivery technique. Thus, the nose tip support mechanisms are spared. This method, which had been improved by Dr. Kamburoğlu by the addition of novel suturing techniques, was published in 2014 in the journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the official publication of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).
The closed (modified delivery) method is a convenient technique for many primary (not previously operated) patients, but it is not preferred in some situations such as the presence of a previous surgery and/or deviations, flat or crooked noses, tissues on both sides of the nose are asymmetrical from each other, too small nostrils, etc. The open technique is appropriate for all patients who don't have a history of embossed wound healing. The main point here is to choose the technique individually and to have the full knowledge in the both techniques, rather than doing the same operation for all patients.
In this article, you will read the differences between open and closed nose surgeries, their advantages and disadvantages compared to each other. Today, the question of "Which technique is better?" has been replaced by that one :"Which technique is better for the treatment of the patient?''. The point is to have a good command of both of the techniques and to choose the technique individually. Let's talk about the differences and developments of the techniques.
Aesthetic nose surgeries started in 1887 with the closed technique. In 1957, the open technique took its place in the literature. That is, contrary to popular belief, the conventional closed technique has been taken place 70 years earlier than the open technique. The distributing of the open technique was in 1970s. The main difference between the closed and open technique is; an incision from the outside is not placed on columella, but an incision is placed here in the open technique. The incisions of the closed technique are inside the nose. Some of these incisions placed inside the nose are also available in the open technique. The picture below on the left shows the open technique incisions, and on the right it shows closed technique incisions.
The incision made through the inside of the nose in the right (numbered 1) refers to the conventional closed technique. However, it is not possible to directly reach the nasal cartilages (which are seen in dark blue in the picture below) with this incision. The main reason for describing the open technique is that it directly provides 3D dominance of the tissues in their anatomical positions at the rip of the nose. On the other hand, direct dominance of the nasal cartilages is possible in the 'delivery' method of the closed technique, which was described later. By making the incisions numbered as 1 and 2 in the picture above at the same time, the cartilages between them can be shaped by pulling them out of the nostrils.
The incision 1 in the delivery technique corresponds to the area where some important ligaments are located. It is also possible to do the delivery technique with the only incision 2 without doing the incision 1. It's also pleasure for me to have contributed scientifically to the development of the delivery technique done with single-incision. In this case, the right and left nasal cartilages (the dark blue area in the Picture above) can only be separately pointed out through the nostrils and can be shaped with the only incision 2. However, in all delivery techniques, in order to stitch these left and right cartilages together, it is necessary to remove them separately from a single nostril.
Although delivery techniques, which are the advanced form of closed nose surgery, allow direct control of the nasal tip cartilages, they are not convenient for all patients. Because the tissues are shaped in the position drawn from the nostrils, not in their original anatomical positions and angles. Patients who have serious curvature, who will undergo secondary surgery that the anatomy has changed, who have asymmetry between the tissues (mostly on the face), whose nostrils are small, and patients who need to use an ultrasonic bone shaper are not good candidates for this technique. Patients who have symmetrical nasal cartilages, whose bone structure disorders don't require ultrasonic bone shaping, who have easier noses to operate are more appropriate candidates for delivery and closed nose techniques. The Nasal cartilages can be shaped in 3D in their anatomical positions with the open technique. That's why, this technique has high sensitivity and it is appropriate for all patients. Conventional closed nose technique is not preferred by most surgeons, except for some minor revisions.
Rhinoplasty with Conventional Closed Technique | Rhinoplasty with Open Technique | Rhinoplasty with Delivery / Modified Delivery Technique (Modified Closed) |
Incisions | Inside the nose | Inside the nose and a small incision between the nostrils | Inside the nose |
Direct Visualisation of The Nose Tip | No | Yes | Yes |
Applicable Noses | Nasal Dorsum Operations | All Kinds of Noses | Patients with no narrow nostrils, no obvious asymmetry between the tissues on both sides, no serious deviation, etc. |
Sensitivity | Low | High in all patients | High only in appropriate patients |
To See and Shape the Nasal Tip Tissues in Their Original 3D Anatomical Position | No | Yes | No |
Applicability of Suture Techniques in The Tip | Not | Yes | Yes |
Availability of Using Advanced Technologies such as Ultrasonic Bone Shaping Devices (Piezotome) | limited | Yes | limited |
Availability for Revision | Minor revisions | All revisions | Minor revisions |
Edema on 7th Day | Similar to other methods according to the literature | Similar to other methods according to the literature | Similar to other methods according to the literature |
Recovery | Similar to other methods according to the literaturer | Similar to other methods according to the literature | Similar to other methods according to the literature |
When we compare to the closed technique, the disadvantage of the open technique is a small incision placed in the area between both nostrils. However, this scar will most probably be at a level that can hardly be noticed at the end of the first year (it may differ according to the patient). On the other hand, there are some patients who need to narrow the base of the nose because of the width of the base of the nose. In these patients, the scars are located under the nostrils and nasal wings. Base narrowing operation is done in the same way in both open and closed techniques. In addition that, these scars may also differ from patient to patient, they are hardly noticeable at the end of the first year in almost all of the patients.
According to the studies in the literature between closed and open techniques, there wasn't any difference observed in terms of recovery after the 7th day. It's also impressive that a significant part of the studies comparing these techniques were published in Turkey. Another advantage of the open technique is that ultrasonic systems such as Piezotome (a high-tech bone shaping device) are more appropriate for this technique and can be used in any way. The use of these systems and device in closed techniques is very limited. As you can see from the tableau above, all techniques have advantages and disadvantages. To sum up, when we compare to the closed technique, the advantages of the open technique are the ability to directly see all tissues in their original positions and angles, and the use of advanced technology ultrasonic bone shaping devices. The advantage of the closed technique (delivery) is that there's no incision between the nostrils. According to a study conducted at the Rhinoplasty Society, of which I am also a member, ¾ of the surgeons prefer the open technique in more than half of their operations, and ¼ prefer the closed technique.
As I said before, the main point is to have full knowledge of the all techniques and to choose the most appropriate one for the patient.
In the closed nose surgeries, a small incision is placed inside the nose. In the open nose surgeries, there's a small incision in the area between the nostrils. Incisions can be placed right next to the nose wings in the patients whom need alar base reduction. It is not preferred to make an incision on the dorsum base area to reduce the skin of the nose as it will leave behind a scar in the visible area. However, it may be necessary to apply these techniques in some diseases such as rhinophyma which nasal skin thickens.
Rhinoplasty is the general term used for change in the shape of the nose. It is also used in the meaning of nasal aesthetic. Septoplasty is a type of surgery that disorders such as curvature located in between the nostrils that cause breathing problems are treated without affecting the shape of the nose. Septorhinoplasty is the application of both of them together at the same time. If you are planning to have aesthetic nose surgery at some point in your life and you have breathing problems, the most appropriate way is to have these two procedures together. Otherwise, if you have septoplasty first, the cartilages of the septum cannot be used during your rhinoplasty surgery because they have been removed or changed their shape. On the other hand, when you have both of them together (septorhinoplasty), the cartilages that cause to curvature can be used for aesthetic purposes without thrown away. If you never plan to have an aesthetic surgery, it's convenient for you to have only septoplasty to treat the problems about your breathing.
Nasal bones are not fractured in rhinoplasty. Bones are cut and/or filled with various tools in a controlled manner. Surgical instruments are often used for this operation. In addition to these, devices such as the Piezotome, which is a micromotor and ultrasonic bone shaping device, are also used. The nose surgery is generally not a painful operation. Also, special numbing techniques are applied during the surgery to ensure the maximum comfort for each patient. In this way, it is aimed for all patients to have a very comfortable post-surgery period.
There is no doubt that one the most important parts of aesthetic nose surgeries is the remodeling of nasal bones. This procedure must be designed and performed in full compliance with both your forehead and your middle face as well as your chin. In conventional rhinoplasty, this procedure is carried out by means of several surgical instruments and micromotors. In ultrasonic rhinoplasty, it is performed finely with the help of an ultrasonic surgical system without harming soft tissues and cartilages. This techniqus is considerably superior to other conventional methods especially in patients with septal deviation and/or thick nasal bones.
Our ultraplasty systems consist of specific instrument and tip combinations which are specially designed for aesthetic nose surgery. We offer in our clinic any technique, instument and device which might be needed during your rhinoplasty process.
The philosophy of these techniques was described about fifty years ago and has not been used for years due to some problems. Thanks to recent progressions, it has become one of the techniques that can be preferred in appropriate patients. Operations without opening the nasal cartilage or the bony ridge together with the cartilage, and operations on the side walls of the nose if reduction is to be made are basically aimed in these techniques. While the preference for aquiline noses is gradually decreasing due to the high popularity of recurrence, its preferability is increasing for the noses that have a flat back but require total reduction because there is no possibility of recurrence of the aquiline nose. However, this group of patients constitutes a small part of rhinoplasty candidates in Turkey. In summary, it can be successfully applied in selected patients, but selection of the patient should be done very well.
While all tissues such as the underlying bone, cartilage, connective tissue, mucosa, etc. are shaped and reduced during the nose reduction process, the skin of the dorsum nasi is returned to its original place. In modern techniques, it is not preferred to directly cut the nose skin in order not to leave a scar in the visible area. In some special cases, thinning maneuvers through the sub surface skin in the surgery but the limits of these maneuvers should remain within the limits of not creating the risk of skin circulation disorder. Thick skin tissues are the tissues that keep more edema than normal one. Normally, fine swellings are expected to subside approximately in 1 year, but it can take up to 2 year in patients who have a thick skin tissue. There are many alternatives in the treatment of thick skin tissue such as cream or drug treatment before the surgery. After the surgery, the treatment of the skin can be done with special bands, cream, pills, steroid injections or devices. Your doctor will recommend you the appropriate protocols among these protocols, which are dominated by surgeons who frequently deal with rhinoplasty.
Crooked noses are the nose types that require advanced knowledge of nose surgery. Because there are hundreds of methods for the treatment of crookedness. It is only possible with the experience and the knowledge to have a good command in all of them and to choose the ones that are appropriate for the patient. One of the most effective and advanced methods in the treatment of crooked noses is the method called 'Extracorporeal Septorhinoplasty', where all crookedness is treated on the operation table and then placed back on the body. Although it is a 50-year-old technique, the risks in regards to nasal stabilization were solved by Dr. Kamburoğlu in an article published in the most prestigious journal of plastic surgery called "Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery' in 2019.
It's not necessary to do massage after the most rhinoplasty. However, your doctor may recommend a massage when it is necessary.
No, you can't. Aesthetic nose surgery is not operated with local anesthesia. There are various reasons for this. First of all, the nose surgery with local anesthesia is not a comfortable procedure for both the patient and the surgeon. Secondly, since the blood pressure cannot be kept at the desired level with local anesthesia, it may cause bleeding during the surgery and it causes to work in a bloody environment which may affect the sensitivity of the work to be done. This surgery is an operation that requires very high concentration and precision.
The duration of the operation varies depending upon the types of procedure and technique. Therefore, it is not possible to say an average duration. The exact final point of all operations is the moment when your doctor is content with the outcome of your operation, and it is the moment when said: "It has become extremely beautiful..." You can be sure that your doctor care much more than you do about a structure that exists at the center of your face and plays a role for your happiness all through your life.
At the end of the surgery, the nasal splints that have silicone air channels are placed inside the nose. Unlike the conventional tampons, these splints allow breathing through the nose right after surgery and do not hurt like the conventional tampons while removing. Medication and ice therapy are applied to reduce swellings that may occur after the surgery. In addition, that almost all patients have never a pain, it can be quite slight for some patients. At the end of the surgery, your nose is enclosed by a special plastic material so that it can protect its new shape. This plastic protector on the nose is removed 7 or 10 days later. Around this time, the rough swellings subside; fine swellings still continue. These fine swellings are not even realized by the ones who don't know you. The people who know you might just say: 'There is a fine swelling.' It takes at least 1 year to reach the end of the outcome of rhinoplasty surgery. Bruises vary from person to person. Most patients do not have any bruises or some of them have a slight bruise, thanks to the developed ultrasonic rhinoplasty and special new techniques. Patients who have bruises disappear completely within a few days. Whether having bruise or not does not affect the final outcome of the surgery.
Right after the surgery. Because among the current rhinoplasty techniques, the silicone splints that have an air channel inside, called "Doyle", are used and they allow patients to breathe through the nose immediately.
The most frequently used one of these methods is remodeling of the nose by using various medical fillers. In the nasal filling method, the most frequently used filler is the one that contains "Hyaluronic Acid". Hyaluronic Acid is a connective tissue element found in the almost every part of your body. These fillers that are prepared in the laboratory melt after a certain period of time, which means that they are not permanent. To give an example, nasal filling may be a good alternative for a patient who has a hump in the nasal bridge and who doesn't plan to have a surgery. On the other hand, if the patient is planning to have an operation sometime in the future, we do not recommend this type of operation because it will be considered as a minor operation in the surgical field. Nose remodeling procedures by using nasal fillers are only appropriate for some patients as they will expand the nose tip.
The second most frequently used non-surgical rhinoplasty method is the nasal botox, namely botulinum toxin (Botox, Dysport) application. Botulinum toxin is only a long-acting muscle relaxant medicine. It doesn't provide any volume or shape. The application of botulinum toxin to these muscles can reduce the nasal tip drooping in the patients whose muscles are overactive in extending the skin between the nostrils and drooping the nose.
Another non-surgical rhinoplasty method is the nose thread lift. However, almost none of the tissues that are suspended with a thread on the nose stays permanently where it is suspended. Because either the thread cuts the tissue or it loosens over time. In addition, any foreign material placed in the nasal area may react in the long term and cause undesirable results, even if it is surgically placed. For this reason, the nose thread lift techniques are not applied in our clinic.
Before the Operation
It's important to take into consideration the following points before you undergo the operation.
- During your consultation prior to operation, your doctor will ask you via a form which has questions regarding whether you have any other disease, the drugs you use regularly, if you have any allergies or not, and the former operations you have undergone. Some analyses required for undergoing general anesthesia will be carried out one day prior to operation, and their results will also be evaluated by the anesthetists.
- You have to be sure that you do not have any health problems before the operation. It's important to have favorable physical conditions since this reduces the risks during the operation, and provides a more rapid recovery phase. If you have any ongoing treatment or treatments at present, you should report it to your doctor. Our objectives are to minimize the potential complications, increase the rate of a favorable outcome at the end of the surgical operation, and to provide you with the best conditions of patient safety within the current available conditions.
- You must have stopped taking blood thinners including aspirin and so on, analgesics including Ibuprofen, and the drugs for influenza at least one week prior to surgery, and must not take them for one week following the surgery. The treatment protocol is somewhat different in the case of using the blood thinners as Coumadin and anti-rheumatic drugs, and it will be explained by your physician.
- If you use any oral contraceptive pills, you will be asked to completely quit them 1 month before to operation and 1 month after the surgery. If you use drugs such as Roaccuttane (for the acne treatment dose usage), you will be asked to quit them 6 months before to operation and it is recommended not to take them for the next 6 months after the surgery.
- Substances like vitamin E, garlic, cherry, ginseng, green tea, cinnamon, herbal teas, gotu kola (Centella Asiatica), linseed and resveratrol (red wine extract) may also cause blood dilution. It's therefore you are required not to consume these substances for at least 1 week before and 2 weeks after the surgery.
- If you are a smoker and have not undergone an operation formerly, it's preferred for you to stop smoking 4 weeks before the surgery in order to reduce the risks of general anesthesia. If you have formerly undergone a nose surgery, you should absolutely stop smoking, since it would also affect the surgical outcome.
- If you have thick skin tissue, this may require you to begin a specific skin care before your operation. You will be enlightened about this issue during your consultation.
- You must inform both your surgeon and anesthetist about any disease you have and all drugs (including all analgesics) you use within 3 weeks before the surgery.
- If your doctor works with a private anesthesiologist independent from the hospital, you can also call your private anesthesiologist about all these issues and get support at any time. This is also valid for the post-operative period.
- You can prepare your skin for the early post-operative period with a skin care such as HydraFacial MD etc. 2-7 days before the operation.
- The use 500 mg of vitamin C twice a day for 1 week before, and 2 weeks later the surgery would help the rapid wound healing.
- It's recommended to cut your nostril hair (and moustache if present) before the operation. However, it's unfavorable to use tweezers to remove it due to the possibility of developing folliculitis (inflammation or infection of hair follicles).
- You must clean your face with a high-end cleansing product 1 night before the operation.
- In order to undergo a general anesthesia, you must not eat anything 8 hours before the operation and must not drink water 4 hours before the operation.
- You must bring button up pajamas for your hospitalization. Do not bring night-robes.
After the Operation
- You should not eat or drink anything for a while after the surgery. During your stay in hospital, the nurses will tell you when you can start to drink water. You should start drinking water in the 4th hour after the operation. On the 6th hour, you may gradually begin to take solid foods. (You can consume all kinds of food on the 8th hour and afterwards). You only have to pay attention for not opening your mouth extremely wide (forcingly) within the first 1 month. Chewing food is not harmful to your nose. You may chew gum. It is recommended to drink plenty of water for 24 hours after you start drinking water.
- If there is inability to defecate or rectal gas during the first 24 hours following the operation, please inform the nurses (or your doctors if you have been discharged from the hospital).
- You should walk in the company of a companion and a nurse as soon as possible after the surgery (when the nurses measure your blood pressure and say that it is okay to walk). Your private anesthesiologist will make this planning and visit you after the surgery. It is also recommended to move your legs and feet during your stay inside the bed. The more you walk as long as you stay in the hospital, the more the risk of clotting in the leg veins, which is one of the common risks of anesthesia of all surgeries, is being prevented. For this purpose, a measure of safety during your surgery, a special machine is operated on your legs for this purpose. Your private anesthesiologist, with whom your surgeon works, will take care of you one-to-one in all of these points.
- It's recommended to apply ice on both eyes and change it every 2 hours in the following first 24 hours after the surgery. You may have a 10 minute break on applying ice at the beginning of each hour. The simplest way of ice application is putting ice cubes into two consultation gloves, tying them together, and then placing them onto your eyes. You may also use cold gel packs as an alternative. However, since these materials warm up too quickly, you will have to change them more often. Thanks to the ice application, swellings and bruises that may occur slightly are being minimized.
- Thanks to the new surgery techniques, for the bruises which never develop in most patients but that may exist sometimes slightly, you can use Auriderm XO or Arnica gel twice a day just after the operation.
- It's recommended to stay in hospital for one night after the surgery in order to be kept under supervision. Your doctor will come to discharge you from the hospital in the next day after the operation. Your discharge time is between the 11:00 - 12:00 hours at noon. During your discharge, you will be prescribed the medications there and some additional medications. It is only asked for providing the Arnica gel before the surgery and bringing it to the hospital with you.
- During the first 24 hours after the surgery, some patients may have a slight leak from their nose. This is normal and you do not need to worry. The next day after your discharge, you can completely remove the gauze bandage that was placed on your nasal tip to absorb the leak.
- You may shed tears for the first 3 days after the operation. The reason for this is that the tears, which normally flow from your eyelids into your nose through a channel, will not be able to use this channel due to the swellings and they will flow out. It is temporary.
- Because the silicone splints are air-channeled, you can breathe while they are in your nose. When you leave the hospital, you will be given a liquid that you can squeeze 3 cc into each channel 3 times a day to prevent these air channels from clogging. While you are removing these silicone splints, they do not cause any pain unlike the conventional sticking tampons.
- You can wash your head in the way that you are washed in the hairdresser, and you can wash your body as you wish without causing the plastic protector on your nose gets water.
- After taking your first bath, you can apply make-up. However, it is recommended not to use make-up on the bands. You can pluck the outer side of your eyebrows 2 days after the surgery, and the middle part of them 2 weeks later.
- During the operation of some patients, it may be essential to make a small 1- to 2-centimeter incision inside the mouth, on the inner part of the upper lip (between teeth and posterior of lip). If you have undergone this procedure, it's recommended to take liquid foods the day after operation, and soft foods on the second day. You can eat whatever you want on the third day. Throughout the first three days, it's also essential to gargle with water following each meal.
- If you do not have a small incision at the inner part of your upper lip, you can brush your teeth just after the operation. Tooth brushing must be delayed one day in some special situations requiring an incision at the inner lip.
- If you have undergone an open rhinoplasty, you will be given the Terramycin eye ointment before you leave the hospital to apply on your sutures once a day.
- You will feel comfortable when you use a medical product containing sea water (such as Nasatol containing both sea water and Xylitol, or if it's not available, a medical product such as Sinomarin containing only sea water) 3 times a day. Besides, applying Rinopanteina ointment to the just inside of your nose 2 times a day will speed up the healing process of the wound.
- Between the 7th and 10th days, the silicone splints inside of your nose and the thin sutures under your nose, if made with the open technique, are removed. These silicone splints do not hurt while being removed.
- Between the 7th and 10th days (depending on the technique to be performed and the response of your tissues), the plastic protector on your nose is removed. Subsequently, the bands are applied on the nose. It is enough for these bands to stay for 5 more days, and at the end of the 5th day, it is appropriate to wet them in the bathroom and remove them from the tip of the nose without pulling upwards. In some patients (having thick skin tissues), taping may be recommended at home.
- If your operation has been performed with open technique, it is recommended to apply scar reducing gel (the silicone gel 2 times a day for 2 months) and use at least SPF 30 sunscreen of a very good brand after the sutures have been removed. Apart from these, applying red centaury oil (if it's not available yellow is also fine) twice a day will also help reduce your scar. You should apply sunscreen every time you go out in the sun for the first 6 months, even when it is winter. The key point of this care is to apply sunscreen and centaury oil first as the scar-reducing gel creates a barrier on the skin and does not let sunscreen or centaury oil to be absorbed under it.
- There may be some stitches you see inside of your nose. These stitches will dissolve on their own over time. NEVER PULL OR CUT THEM.
- It's recommended to use a proper type of moisturizer and a cleanser for your skin after the removal of the tapes on your nose. The specialist estheticians of the clinics will assist you in this regard. You may choose high-end products. It is recommended to apply your sunscreen all over your face after the sutures have been removed. The sunscreen helps to prevent bruises, which may occur in a small number of patients and usually last around 2 weeks, from persisting longer.
- At the end of the 1st week, you can start applying make-up. There is no harm in plucking your eyebrows after the bands have been removed. (The only exception to this situation is a small number of special patients who need to take a muscle membrane from the scalp or the root of the nose and put it under the scalp. If you have had this type of procedure, you should postpone your eyebrow removal from the middle of the eyebrow until the end of the 1st month. You can easily get the outer sides of the eyebrows).
- It is recommended never to sleep on your side and not to wear glasses for 4 weeks after the operation. It is entirely in your hands to protect your beautiful surgical outcome. If you wear glasses, provide yourself temporary lenses for this period. After 4 weeks, you can switch to lightweight glasses with organic lenses and titanium frames. At the end of 3 months, you can use any glasses you want.
- After removal of the substances in your nose, please avoid wiping your nose by pulling from up to downwards or by squeezing. You may wipe from down to upwards, but do not squeeze your nose in this situation either. In order to clean the inside of it, you may close one nostril, and blow from the other. It's not harmful to draw water into it one week after the surgery.
- It's recommended not to perform sports like, running, jogging, fitness, cardio during the first 4 weeks after surgery; and contact sports like football and basketball, or martial sports such as boxing during the first 3 months. With the appropriate surgery technique and on the condition that you use your sunscreen regularly and wear a hat, the sun will not create any negative effect on your nose. It is recommended you to delay going to the swimming pool to four weeks after the removal of the plastic protector. Due to the possible bacteria in the water, it is recommended you to delay going to the swimming pool to 4 weeks after the removal of the plastic protector.
- Within the first one year after surgery, it's recommended not to touch your lower and upper lips to each other while applying lipstick on your lips. This activity leads to the formation of a tension more than usual on the healing nose tip.
- It's not recommended to massage. However, some patients are suggested to do massage for several weeks if it's needed.
- You will be given the mobile numbers of your surgeon, your private anesthesiologist, two operating nurses and the clinic manager, in total 5 people. Therefore, you can communicate at any time before and after the surgery.
If you plan a rhinoplasty operation which will be performed by Prof. Dr. Haldun Kamburoğlu, you are recommended to get consulted several months before the date you plan to undergo the surgery. Due to the congestion, surgery appointments might be arranged to a later period of time. On the other hand, the consultation appointments are given within approximately 6 months. However, there is always a chance to move your appointment date to an earlier time because of the postponement of some patients' appointments. If you have no chance of coming to Ankara for the consultation before the surgery, you may directly contact with us via and you will be offered some other solutions.
Your analyses are carried out one day before the surgery, you undergo the surgery on the day after and stay in hospital for one night, and you are discharged from hospital on the following day. In conclusion, it is enough to stay in Ankara for two days for a rhinoplasty operation. However, you are to come back to Ankara again on the seventh/eleventh day after the surgery for the removal of the plastic protector on your nose and for your first control. During this period, you may stay in Ankara if you wish or return to the city you live in. It is not harmful to make a trip after the operation.
Although follow-up visits vary according to the applied procedure, they are generally carried out in the 1st week, 1st month, 3rd month, 6th month, 1st year, and followingly once a year.
It is important to take into consideration the recovery period following this operation, and to arrange your operation according to your social and professional lives. You can return to your social life on the 3rd day, and your professional activities in the 1st week.
Due to the related legislation and laws, plastic surgery specialists or health institutions such as hospitals and polyclinics that provide health services in this field cannot publicly provide numerical information about rhinoplasty prices on their websites and / or social media accounts. In other words, it is not legal to give numerical information to the public. However, there is no legal objection to informing people about the cost of this operation. For this reason, there is no numerical information on rhinoplasty prices or price range on this site. However, information is shared below in the context of which criteria the prices of rhinoplasty can change and which factors determine the cost of the surgery.
Rhinoplasty surgery costs may vary depending on various factors. The main criteria that determine the cost of nose surgery are the consultation findings and the amount of time and quality of the work to be done. For example, it cannot be expected that the price of the procedure of a patient who will only have nasal tip surgery and a patient who has breathing problems and who have undergone surgery before will be the same. In addition, the prices of aesthetic nasal surgery may vary due to the differences in the city or the hospital to be done. For example, rhinoplasty prices may differ in two different cities such as Ankara and Istanbul. Or, the costs for the operation to be done in an A plus hospital and a lower segment hospital will also be different. (We perform all our nose surgeries in an A plus hospital in Ankara). On the other hand, the charging is applied in such a way that the same price applies to all our patients of whom will be done the same amount of work. Otherwise, those who pay more may feel bad and this attitude is unethical. (We apply it similarly in all of our surgeries.) In this way, you can be sure that no one who comes after you will pay less than you for the same amount of work under normal inflation conditions. As we mentioned above, it is not possible to share open information on rhinoplasty prices on our website due to the related legal regulations. However, you can contact us at 0312 285 5521 for general information on Ankara Rhinoplasty Prices and for more information about Nose Aesthetics in Ankara.
Because of that it is asked a lot by our patients, I have wanted to touch on this issue here. "Is closed rhinoplasty better or open rhinoplasty better?" This question is as wrong as the costs. It cannot be said that: "Closed rhinoplasty is good" or "Open rhinoplasty is good". The condition of each patient and the rhinoplasty technique suitable for each patient should be evaluated individually. As a matter of fact, "Sir, what will be the cost if I have closed rhinoplasty, what will be the cost if I have open rhinoplasty?" The question is fundamentally wrong. It should be noted that rhinoplasty is not a shelf product. In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to evaluate a wide variety of criteria, from breathing problems to genetic nasal anatomy, from past traumas of the nose to personal aesthetic concerns and approaches, and it is necessary to determine the surgical roadmap in the light of these factors. As a result, it is a fundamentally wrong comparison in terms of the comparison of closed rhinoplasty prices and open rhinoplasty prices.
The oldest techniques in rhinoplasty, mostly on nasal reconstruction, are based on Sushutra and his students, who lived in India between 300 and 500 BC. The first known removal of a dorsal hump operation belongs to the Duke of Urbino, Federico da Montefeltro, after losing his right eye in the 1400s. The reason is that the hump of the nose prevents him from seeing the right side with his left eye.
The foundations of modern rhinoplasty were laid by the German surgeons Von Grafe (1818) and Dieffenbach (1845) in the 19th century, and developed in the early 20th century by the Scottish surgeon Freer (1902), the German surgeon Kilian (1904) and the Prussian surgeon Joseph (1928).
First of all, after the nose surgery, it is recommended to rest at home for a few days in both conditions. There is no scientifically demonstrated difference in terms of the recovery between having in the summer and the winter. However, it is recommended not to be exposed to direct sunlight in the early summer, that is, not to sunbathe. If you work outside, you can use a hat. In winter, you should not have the flu. Because if you have the flu, your surgery will be postponed. It is recommended to use routine sunscreen in both time periods.
In both cases, the most appropriate way to understand what can be done is to have a detailed consultation with a physician working especially in the field of rhinoplasty. During your consultation, your nose will be consulted with endoscopic (camera) assistance, your breathing status will be scientifically revealed with breath tests, and various measurements will be made with 3D imaging systems and you will be informed formally.
One of the issues that many patients fear the most is not being able to breathe as before after nose surgery. Especially with advanced techniques such as 'Volumetric Rhinoplasty' developed in recent years, the risk of this situation has gradually been reduced. The basic philosophy in Volumetric Rhinoplasty is that when a large nose is reduced (for example, removal of a dorsal hump or lifting the nose tip), even if the person is breathing well before the surgery, the structures that may cause possible breathing problems (such as septum curvature, nasal concha) are being treated simultaneously. In other words, it's necessary to gain internal volume as well as downsizing the external structure. 'Volumetric Rhinoplasty' is the doctoral thesis of Prof. Dr. Haldun Kamburoğlu. This doctorate has been received from Hacettepe University Health Sciences Institute and it is the first doctorate in Aesthetic Surgery in Turkey.
Yes, you can. Nasal surgeries can be done not only to reduce the nose, but sometimes to enlarge it, and sometimes to do both of them at the same time. For example, your nose tip may be large, but your nasal root may be very flat. In this case, a rhinoplasty can be performed that reduces the tip of your nose and elevates (balances) your nasal root. On the other hand, the need for augmentation is often due to a previous surgery in another center. In this case, it may be necessary to use cartilage from the ear or rib. In the first surgeries, there is usually enough cartilage in the compartment called the septum in the nose, so it is often not necessary to harvest cartilage from another place. However, in the case of formerly done surgery, the cartilages in this area may have been used or removed due to obstruction. One of the most important points in a nose to be augmented after previous surgery is the elasticity of the skin. It is desirable that the skin to be elastic enough to allow the enlargement. For this purpose, special protocols can be applied to patients before the surgery. Also the underneath tissues of the skin can be resected by a microsurgical method during surgery.
Yes, there is. However, classical cadaveric cartilages are not preferred today due to their high absorption rate of up to 50%. Receiving from another person is only possible if you have a twin that can be taken. Otherwise, it is not appropriate to use cartilage from someone else due to the risk of tissue incompatibility. The best option is your own tissues in your body. With your own tissues, there is no possibility of incompatibility and the possibility of resorbtion is much less than the others. On the other hand, there is a new method. That is the fresh frozen cadaveric cartilages which have similar resorbtion rates with your own cartilages. But the main drawback of it is the cartilages that are brought by the companies may not be well enough to be shaped or carved (it can be understood just after the melting process on the operation table) and also there is an additional cost of them.
Although sinus surgery is a procedure performed through the nose, it is not directly related to the nasal tissues. Normally, some of the facial bones around the nose are hollow and contain air. Sinusitis, on the other hand, is the name given to inflammation caused by excessive accumulation of fluids called mucus in these air spaces. It is also called rhinosinusitis because it sometimes progresses with intranasal inflammation. Bacteria, viruses, chemical irritants and allergens, even fungi directly and other intranasal pathologies such as septum deviation play an indirect role in the development of this inflammation. Headache, facial pain, cough, decreased odor, fever and toothache may occur in advanced stages. One of the tests that gives the clearest results in diagnosis is computed tomography. Normally, these fluids, called mucus, naturally flow through the sinuses into the nose. This mucus, which cannot flow with inflammation, forms a plug and causes both the increase in inflammation and the development of the mentioned complaints.
Cases that last less than 4 weeks are called acute, cases that last between 4-12 weeks are called subacute, and those that last longer than 12 weeks are called chronic sinusitis. Antibiotics may be used in the treatment, as well as surgical treatment may be required. In sinus surgery, the clogged paths that prevent the mucus from flowing into the nose are opened, and if any, intra-sinus polyps (a kind of flesh) are cleaned. It is recommended to avoid allergens, to use a room humidifier if there is dry air, and to pay attention to situations such as not smoking. Although nasal aesthetic surgery and sinus surgery can technically be performed simultaneously, it is preferred by most surgeons to perform it in separate sessions in the practice not to increase the operation time and some risks.
If your sinusitis is not acutely inflamed, that is, if you do not have symptoms such as fever and fatigue, this does not prevent you from having a nasal surgery. On the other hand, factors such as septum deviation and turbinate hypertrophy, which play a role in the development of sinusitis, can also be treated with nasal surgery.
You can wash your body right after the operation (if the rib cartilage has not been removed). You can wash your head in a hairdresser style by tilting it backwards so that the tapes on the nose and the plastic protector do not get wet. Although it is claimed that the plastic protector and the tapes on it are water resistant, it is recommended that you do not let these structures touch with the water for the sake of guarantee.
The nose structure of a person who has never had a nose surgery also changes over the years. Over time, the tip of the nose goes down (with the weakening of the cartilages added to the pulling effect of gravity and muscles), the nose wings are pulled upwards, the middle part between the nostrils hangs down partially. If these structures are intervened with appropriate techniques during nose surgery, the effects of aging are also delayed.
If you are happy with everything, of course, you do not need to have the surgery. Here the problem is with your friend, not with your nose. It is recommended that this surgery needs to be done for yourself, not for others. If your friend is very insistent on this, it will be easier to change her/him rather than having a nasal surgery.
Laser is a type of controlled energy. Lasers of multiple wavelengths are available. For example, 1064 nm NdYAG laser is used especially in vascular treatment, while Alexandrite lasers with a wavelength of 755 nm mostly affect pigmented areas such as hair follicles. The use of laser in the body is also used for the purpose of melting fat and tightening the skin after liposuction ( ). The use of laser in the nose was a technique that was popularized many years ago, especially for the purpose of reducing the nasal concha. However, thanks to today's advanced radiofrequency / plasma devices, it is not preferred by many surgeons for this purpose. As in liposuction, laser application under the nose skin for skin tightening is also not suitable as it may trigger the risk of circulatory disorders. Fractional ablative lasers can be applied on the skin to improve skin quality. However, due to the risks of deep peeling and increased staining or decreased color (hyper / hypo pigmentation), these systems have been replaced by the golden needle radiofrequency technologies, which are much safer today.
Wish you all the happiness and good health.
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