The ear is an important organ that affects both the aesthetic appearance of the person and the function of balance and hearing. Its aesthetic appearance in?uences the person in the social environment. Although there are many congenital or acquired problems in the ear, the most common reason for surgery is the prominent ear. Prominent ear correction surgery is called otoplasty, which aims to define the undeveloped antihelix, to make the ear closer to the scalp, and to make it look aesthetically better. The goal is to obtain natural ears that look aesthetically pleasing.
Prominent ear aesthetics can be applied for everyone after 5 years. Because the development of ears mostly completed after 5 years, surgery does not affect ear growth. In fact, the most ideal age is the preschool period for children not to be affected psychologically, but most of those who underwent surgery are young individuals of high school or university age. Older children and adults can easily undergo surgery with local anesthesia. For small children, general anesthesia is a better option. The surgical technique is actually about correcting the problem.
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Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.
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Better check yourself, you're not looking too good.